Summer has arrived and with-it come greener pastures, long hot days, al fresco dining, sizzling barbecues with friends, spontaneous picnics, enjoying the fruits and vegetables of the season and supporting local businesses. We’re tucking into summer with a few fresh favourites.

This summer we are enjoying ice cream sandwiches from Abbey’s Creations, juicing using the Hamilton Beach Whole Fruit Juice Extractor, the LOVED. collection created by Ryan Massel, and fermented ketchup from Culture Shocked.

Cian’s Mustards

Many see mustard as simply a burger or hot dog topping, salad dressing ingredient or complement to a baked ham. But it’s so much more. Cian’s Mustard is comprised of four Mustateers: Colin Venn, an English master butcher who made mustard to serve with roast beef dinners, Colin’s daughter Colina Clark, her husband Cameron Clark and their son Cian. Mustard sandwiches were a mainstay in this family circle and regular table conversations led to the formation of their mustard-making empire. Cian’s Mustard is different than traditional mustard. Their delicious beer mustard is a favourite among the seven currently available including two seasonals: Moonshine and Truffle.

“Mustard is such a tough seed that it is usually soaked in vinegar to soften it, with the flavour result being vinegar with a hint of mustard. Cian’s Mustard grinds the mustard seed, releasing and capturing the flavour where the mustard is the star and not the vinegar,” says Colina. And they’re cutting
the mustard as they continue to grow. We suggest you up your mustard game this summer and mix some Cian’s into cheese sauces, rib sauces, potato salads, grilled cheese sammies, egg dishes, sloppy Joe’s or even brownies!

Mustards | Cian’s Mustards | $8.00 – $12.00 |