Transforming trash into treasure, Sangster Sawmill elevates the art of sustainability.
This family-run business uses leftover wood, including firewood scraps, to craft stunning and functional kitchenware, proving beauty can be found in unexpected places.
The Sangster Sawmill
Family-run Sangster Sawmill is a master class in a waste-not-want-not philosophy. Father-and-son team Vincent and Alex Sangster take scraps from their firewood operation, as well as fruitwood branches and trimmings from an arborist friend to create and sell custom kitchenware and other products. With Alex in the woodshop, Vincent at the saw and at the store and Alex’s partner Alaska helping out with operations, the team offers gorgeous resin-and-wood cutting boards, spice grinders, fruit hangers, melon ballers, honey dippers, grill scrapers and all sorts of products we use in our kitchens and beyond every day. Plus, of course, there’s the actual firewood that can be ordered in advance and delivered to the Crossroads Market for pickup in time for your next weenie roast.
Spice Grinder | The Sangster Sawmill | $60 | Instagram @The Sangster Sawmill