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Why ride alone if you can do in the company of bikers who are eager to explore. Get ready to embark on an exciting two-wheel food adventure and join us for brunch on this Food Bike tour!
Calgary Food eBike Tour is a great way to meet new people and try some incredible local food. Food Bike Tour serves up exploration and exercise with a side of delicious. Be a tourist in your own city and indulge in fine local foods and beverages while touring on a bike around the city. Enjoy different samples of meals 3 different locations.
During the Calgary Food Bike Tour, you will explore what this city has to offer. Enjoy different chef-curated meals (included in the price) at 3 different local food stops.
This guided Food Bike Tour is leisure biking and expect to bike an average of 30 minutes between locations. E-Bikes are provided on this tour.

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride, food and great company. Try it yourself or surprise someone with a unique gift experience!

Details and registration @ Epic Experiences

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